该报告指出,我们应该“让现有药物更进一步:重新检查现有抗生素的系统计划可以测试改变剂量或将它们与其他制剂或其他抗菌素结合是否可以减缓耐药性的传播,并更有效地治疗‘耐药感染’”。这正是ANTRUK致力于遵循的研究计划。该慈善机构正在寻找抗生素耐药破坏者(arb)。arb可能是其他已经在临床使用的药物,当与抗生素一起使用时,可以克服耐药性。arb也可以是营养药品;食物中对健康有益的化学物质ARB方法的吸引力之一是,与试图从零开始开发一种新抗生素相比,该研究将更快、更便宜。此外,arb还可以让我们挽救现有的抗生素,而不必开发全新的药物。ANTRUK的目标是到2020年开发一种新的抗生素疗法,未来十年将有更多的疗法投入使用。ANTRUK的首席执行官Colin Garner教授说:“最新的O 'Neill报告就如何解决日益严重的抗生素耐药性问题提供了第一个可靠的财务建议。 Citing ARBs as one approach is a ringing endorsement of our charity’s approach”. Dr David Brown, one of ANTRUK’s Trustees, and a world renowned pharmaceutical drug researcher said “I have been interacting with the O’Neill Commission over the past few months. It is very pleasing that some of the ideas we have of tackling antibiotic resistance have been taken up by O’Neill”. Gram-negative bacteria which cause pneumonia, sepsis, blood infections and wound infections are the focus of Antibiotic Research UK’s future antibiotic development programmes. ANTRUK aims to raise funds to finance new scientific programmes with the aim of developing at least one new antibiotic therapy in the next 5-7 years. The charity’s scientific and technical panel has identified three projects which it will tackle over the next three years. The charity aims to raise up to £30 million, through a combination of traditional fundraising, corporate sponsorship, trusts and foundations as well as newer fundraising methods such as crowd funding.