在所有成功关系中,通信是关键交友社会环境、家庭或工作坊取决于我们不同的个性行为, 我们互发信号 并解释从这些信号和周围环境,我们适应并学习如何交互
Interestingly enough, a similar type of interaction also occurs within organisms at the cellular level. Cells can communicate by transmitting and receiving chemical signals. Many researchers spend their careers studying cells and cell-to-cell interactions to understand how healthy and diseased cells respond to each other and their changing environment. In research, once interest in a specific cell type is determined, cells are removed from an animal or plant and cultured or grown in an artificial environment to expand the cell type of interest. Depending on the experiment, researchers will select from mammalian or non-mammalian cells and determine the best growth method, either adherent - attached to an artificial substrate, or suspension - grown free-floating in media.
复制自然CO2环境可趣味工作CO2孵化器代价高昂。 作为一种替代方法,昆虫细胞文化变得受欢迎,因为昆虫细胞不需要CO2更重要的是,昆虫细胞可建模研究细胞过程,可应用到高eukaryotes上。对于理想昆虫细胞培养条件,保持稳定的温度和摇动速度很重要。OHAUS缓冲轨道摇动器完全合用昆虫细胞培养工作流,因为它结合环境下向10摄氏度精确温度控制特征和一致性摇动
各种细胞文化方法都可被视为使细胞生物学家研究细胞间交互作用过程 理解健康或疾病细胞间交互作用