BMGLABTECH自豪宣布 第二优胜者 我们spectROstar南欧比赛
U.T化学/生物化学系Rising StarsArlington是BMGLABTECHSPEKROSTAR南欧第二胜者
得克萨斯大学阿灵顿研究者决定集新创思想并申请BMGLABTECHSPECHtarNano竞赛合并想法成一项建议有助于降低提交一个想法的风险,它也有助于显示六大实验室如何使用一种工具应用数以万计了解他们建议如何使用SPEKROSTARNAO重新定义UTA吸附测量方法, 你可以从网站读取他们的获奖建议
博士Kevin Schug,UTA科学家之一很高兴听到他们的推荐被选"At the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry in the University of Texas at Arlington, we have a significant number of junior faculty who are pursuing new and innovative research and teaching approaches. The award of a SPECTROstar Nano system gives us many new capabilities, which we previously lacked. Not only will we be able to use the instrument for a wide range of research and teaching efforts, the instrument will provide support for the advancement of our junior faculty in their academic careers, as well as exposure to students of state-of-the-art instrumentation. We are extremely excited about the prospects that this award has afforded, and we appreciate the opportunity given by BMG LABTECH to compete for this instrument."
和UTA的年轻教授一样,对SPEKROstar Nano有很好的想法时,在下个月第三个优胜者选择前提交参赛申请简单写一小页2至4建议 说明实验室使用新独有工具其专有超快光谱计瞬时捕捉微板、小菜和低容量样本中的全UV-Vis谱快速全频度测量将重新定义最常见的吸量解析法,如ELISAs、DNA、RNA、Protein(布拉德福德、BCA、Lowry)、细胞生长和贝氏
告诉我们你建议如何以独特方式使用SPEKROSTAR Nano或乐器多项独有特征之一,例如:全UV/Visespect/Phell、气口控制大气、1536油板阅读能力、孵化和摇动、参考校正改善数据、covette和板动能、BMGLATECH低容量LVSPlate或机器人接口模式更多信息转至或问本地BMGLABTECH代表